Foreign affairs

Reassessing Australia-China ties in Antarctica


Australia’s 2023 Defence Strategic Review states that the country’s 'primary area of military interest' is to the North, spanning the Northeast Indian Ocean, maritime Southeast Asia to the Pacific. In this region, the principal source of Canberra’s strategic anxiety is the People's Republic of China (PRC). Yet absent from this definition of the Indo-Pacific is the southern flank and a continent on which Beijing is increasingly interested - Antarctica.

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8:45 PM

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: February 2024


By Elena Collinson

Key points

- A Beijing court gives Australian citizen Yang Hengjun a suspended death sentence, with the possibility of commutation to life imprisonment subject to good behaviour. Dr Yang waives his right to appeal. Australian government advocacy continues on Dr Yang’s behalf

Comparing today’s world to the 1930s is lazy and dangerous


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in World Politics Review on February 29 2024.

Solomon Islands elections: What might a Sogavare victory mean for Australia?


By Corey Lee Bell and Elena Collinson 

Note: This article appeared in Australian Outlook on February 27 2024.

Research espionage is a real threat – but a drastic crackdown could stifle vital international collaboration


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on February 16 2024.

Geopolitically sustainable green energy agenda


By Corey Lee Bell and Elena Collinson 

Note: This article appeared in E-International Relations on February 7 2024.

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: January 2024


By Elena Collinson and Corey Lee Bell

Key points

- In a wide-ranging new year press conference, PRC Ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian proposes restarting joint military exercises and calls for more science and technology cooperation

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: December 2023


By Elena Collinson and Corey Lee Bell


Key points

- Prime Minister Anthony Albanese delivers a major foreign policy speech, placing ‘priority on communication over confrontation’ and outlining an approach of ‘patience and perseverance’

Australia-China monthly wrap-up: November 2023


Only the hawks are unhappy as China relations stabilise


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article appeared in The Australian Financial Review on January 15 2024.

Australia’s China hawks spent 2023 becoming increasingly frustrated by the Albanese government’s handling of relations with Beijing. By year’s end, the accusations and insults were flying freely.