Foreign affairs

The Hugh White Thesis: Five Years On


In 2010 Professor Hugh White challenged Australians when he wrote ‘Power Shift: Australia’s future between Washington and Beijing’, published in the academic journal Quarterly Essay.

White argued that in order to meet its interests in Asia Australia should persuade the US to relinquish primacy in the region. He asserted that the best outcome for stability in the Asia-Pacific would be a power-sharing agreement between these two great nations. He posited a ‘Concert of Asia’ to balance state interests and achieve shared leadership between major powers in the region.

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New Zealand’s China Policy: Building a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership


This policy paper is the first comprehensive account of a diplomatic success story: the relationship between New Zealand and China in trade, investment and foreign policy.

New Zealand runs a successful China policy, putting its national interests before the comfort of “likeminded” positions and moving quickly and independently to conclude agreements with China with big benefits. It was the first to sign a high-quality, comprehensive FTA with China and the first to recognise China as a market economy.

New Zealand’s China Policy


The Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) is proud to announce the launch of New Zealand’s China Policy: Building a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, a policy paper written by the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre at Victoria University of Wellington. This is the first comprehensive account of a diplomatic success story: the relationship between New Zealand and China in trade, investment and foreign policy.

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Enrico Letta on Europe and Asia


On July 07 2015 Dr Enrico Letta, Italy's 55th Prime Minister (April 2013 to February 2014), shared his expertise on the EU perspective on free trade agreements, the relationships between EU members and ASEAN and the relationship between Italy and Asia.

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The Hawke Government's China Policy


Bob Hawke was Prime Minister from 1983 to 1991. During that time he enjoyed a close personal relationship with the Chinese leadership and pioneered the integration of the Australian and Chinese iron and steel industries.

“An unusually close relationship”

On March 5 1983 Bob Hawke won the election and replaced Malcolm Fraser as Prime Minister.

Hawke and China


On June 4 2015 the Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) at the University of Technology Sydney presented the second instalment of our ‘Prime Ministers Series’. The Hon. Bob Hawke AC was Prime Minister from December 1983 to December 1991. He was Australia’s longest serving Labor Prime Minister, with four terms in office.

Mr Hawke discussed Australia’s burgeoning relationship with China during his time in as Prime Minister and contemporary developments in Chinese diplomacy with renowned journalist and broadcaster Geraldine Doogue.

What Australians really think about a rising China


By James Laurenceson and Hannah Bretherton 

Note: This article appeared in East Asia Forum on May 27 2015.

What does China’s rise as a major power mean for Australia? The answer depends on who you ask.  

Whitlam and China


Although Australia and China’s bilateral relations were formally established in 1972, Gough Whitlam initiated the process in 1971 as Opposition Leader. Mr Whitlam gathered a team and journeyed to China to be the first Australian delegation received by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai.

It was a political risk in the face of staunch anti-Communist sentiments and the McMahon Government’s unwillingness to recognise China, ut Gough Whitlam had the foresight to envision the mutual benefits that would ensue.

ANZUS call to arms would fail the pub test


By Bob Carr

Note: This article appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on November 14 2014.

In the East China Sea, where five islands are disputed between China and Japan, military aircraft could collide in the crowded skies. A ship could be sunk by accident. Roaming fishing fleets and cruise liners complicate the scenarios.

Australia China Intellectual Property Roundtable


On September 30 2014 ACRI hosted a roundtable to discuss the complex bilateral issues surrounding intellectual property (IP) rights.


The roundtable focused on collaboration between Australia and China to tackle the proliferation of fake brands, cross-border enforcement of IP rights and problems of international jurisdiction and co-operation.

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