
Is AUKUS a blessing or a curse for Australian universities?


By Wanning Sun

Note: This article appeared in Crikey on December 7 2023.

The good, the bad and the ugly: Australian defence and strategic policy in an uncertain future


This is the final piece of a four-part UTS:ACRI Analysis series that examines an interlinked set of questions for Australian defence and strategic policy stemming from the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) released in April 2023. The series began by providing an assessment of the consistency between the stated concept of deterrence at the heart of the DSR and the capability acquisitions (including the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines) that are flagged to implement that strategy.

Australian defence strategy, deterrence and the PRC’s military posture


This is the third of a four-part UTS:ACRI Analysis series that examines an interlinked set of questions for Australian defence and strategic policy stemming from the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) released in April 2023. The series began by providing an assessment of the consistency between the stated concept of deterrence at the heart of the DSR and the capability acquisitions (including the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines) that are flagged to implement that strategy.

Australia’s post-DSR posture and US ‘integrated deterrence’: A road to nowhere?


This is the second of a four-part UTS:ACRI Analysis series that examines an interlinked set of questions for Australian defence and strategic policy stemming from the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) released in April 2023. The series began by providing an assessment of the consistency between the stated concept of deterrence at the heart of the DSR and the capability acquisitions (including the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines) that are flagged to implement that strategy.

AUKUS, the Defence Strategic Review and Australia’s quest for deterrence


This is the first of a four-part UTS:ACRI Analysis series that examines an inter-linked set of questions for Australian defence and strategic policy stemming from the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) released in April 2023. The series begins by providing an assessment of the consistency between the stated concept of deterrence at the heart of the DSR, and the capability acquisitions ­(including the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines) that are flagged to implement that strategy. It asks whether both the strategy and capabilities are in fact fit for their stated purpose.

What is the biggest challenge facing AUKUS?


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in Britain's World, the Council on Geostrategy’s online magazine, as part of the expert panel, 'What is the biggest challenge facing AUKUS?', on September 15 2023.

For Labor, AUKUS could trigger a warning shot from Chinese-Australian voters


By Wanning Sun

Note: This article appeared in Crikey on September 12 2023.

The US navy is still more powerful than China’s: More so than the Australian government is letting on


By Greg Austin

Note: This article appeared in The Conversation on August 18 2023.

Australia’s deterrence dichotomy


By Michael Clarke

Note: This article appeared in The Diplomat on June 10 2023.

Cyber impacts on the US/PRC military balance | WEBINAR


Scholarly debate on the prospects for war and peace between the US and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) often refer to the visible military build-up. The Australian government has published the view, from its Defence Strategic Review, that ‘China's military build-up is now the largest and most ambitious of any country since the end of the Second World War’.

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