ACRI Opinion

Ausgrid hawks have poor record on Chinese security threats


By James Laurenceson

This article originally appeared in the Australian Financial Review, August 9 2016.

The potential sale of NSW electricity distributor Ausgrid to a Chinese company is bedevilled by questions about national security. On Sunday Treasurer Scott Morrison said those questions will be his "prime consideration" in deciding whether to allow the deal to go ahead.

Chinese investment: Stay calm and ignore the defence hawks


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article originally appeared in the Lowy Interpreter, July 28 2016.

The lights are still on in Manila.

That must come as quite a surprise to defence hawks who like to beat the drum that the sale of New South Wales electricity distributor Ausgrid to a Chinese company could compromise our national security and be contrary to the national interest.

Don't believe Chinese worker Free Trade Agreement scaremongering


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article originally appeared in the Australian Financial Review, June 9 2016.

Remember those claims from some trade unions last year that the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) would allow Chinese companies to bring in their own workers?

Chinese investment and national security: what Australians think


By James Laurenceson and Hannah Bretherton

This article originally appeared in the East Asia Forum

What the Australian public really think about Chinese investment in our maritime ports


China’s slowing growth rate is not the hard landing feared


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article originally appeared in the Higher View Business magazine, April 2016.

Pick up any major Australian newspaper these days and the business section is sure to be filled with coverage of the latest economic developments in China.

Australia’s fixation with China is justified. 

In 2014-15, Australia’s bilateral trade with China stood at $A149.8bn. That’s more than double the value of trade with Japan, Australia’s second-largest trading partner.

China hardly figures in the US election campaign, but it really should


By Elena Collinson

Note: This article originally appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, April 21 2016. 

China doesn't figure big in this US presidential campaign despite the country being America's largest trading partner, with trade totalling $600 billion a year.

Australians may not be motivated by racism when it comes to Chinese investment


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article originally appeared in The Conversation, April 19 2016.

Do Australian attitudes towards Chinese investment reflect racism? It’s a question I’ve often been asked but it’s a tough one to answer.

Lonely mission for US' Deputy Sheriff in South China Sea


China has room for policy reform


By James Laurenceson

Note: This article originally appeared in the Australian Financial Review, March 10 2016.

China has a choice. It can have higher growth now or higher growth later, but not both.

That's the assessment of many commentators as they watch an investment and industrial output-led economy move towards one led by consumption and services.